Southeast Asia is a region with diverse and unique social and cultural characteristics. However, speaking as a whole of the region, it can be said that patriarchal culture is rampant in many social, cultural and economic aspects of ASEAN, creating gender inequality between men and women, especially in the working fields. UGM ASEAN Society and Girl Up will discuss “Gender Equality in ASEAN Working Force” to raise the awareness of the youth about various issues that are rampant in the world of work, such as gender gaps.

Stay tuned on our online platforms for more informations and updates!

ASEAN's interconnected culture unites the diversity of the region. Rich traditions blend through shared heritage, arts, and cuisine. From the vibrant colors of Batik in Indonesia to the elegance of Thai classical dance, cultural exchange thrives. Language variations bridge gaps, fostering understanding and ASEAN cooperation. ASEAN embraces its cultural tapestry, fostering unity and harmony.

In the thirteenth episode of the ASEANCast, the group discussion delve on the role of culture within the ASEAN countries and its interconnection.

Check the podcast out below or click here to listen to more of our podcasts.

UGM ASEAN Society Webinar Series #12:

Gender Equality in ASEAN Working Force

The ASEANCast #13:

ASEAN Tapestry: Threads of Culture